Office Info

Office Info

Welcome to the orthodontic practice of Dr. Ronald P. Kolodziej

Thanks for visiting my website! Chances are that you’re here to learn more about braces, Invisalign® and other orthodontic treatments. If that’s the case, I hope that you’ll find these pages to be informative…I’ve tried to put together enough material to provide a glimpse of how orthodontic treatment can transform your smile. The best way, however, to understand what orthodontic treatment can do for you is to visit my office in person for an exam & consultation. Two locations provide quick and easy access for orthodontic patients living in Rocky River, Westlake, Lakewood, Fairview Park, Parma, Brooklyn and other communities on the West side of Cleveland.

If you are seeking orthodontic care, I hope that you’ll schedule an appointment in the near future…it would be great to meet you! If you’re already in treatment, I hope these pages can be a valuable resource as you progress toward a new smile. The staff and I welcome feedback, so if you have any suggestions for the site, please let us know. Additional information about braces, Invisalign® & more can also be found on our facebook page.

On a personal note, I would like to say that I love what I do. The privilege of being an orthodontist allows me to provide a service that has a positive impact on many aspects of my patient’s lives. That daily experience is extremely rewarding for me. I’ve treated thousands of people in my career but I still get excited to see the unique transformation that occurs in each patient’s treatment…and it is still a “big deal” each time I remove someone’s braces! If you are seeking orthodontic treatment, I am confident that your treatment experience will provide many personal rewards for you as well. If you have begun treatment or completed treatment, I hope that the benefits of orthodontics have exceeded your expectations.

Dr. Ron Kolodziej